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Find out what you’re really worth

Fill out our questionnaire within 5 minutes.Start Salary Planner

Take the first step towards earning more

Whether you are prepping for a job interview, have salary negotiations upcoming or are just simply curious how your salary stacks up, our Salary Planner quickly gives you an overview of your true market value — and new targets for your next salary.
Industry average
£32,400 gross/year *
Your current salary
£33,500 gross/year *
min. £26,500max. £40,700
Fantastic! Your salary is above the average!
Whether you are prepping for a job interview, have salary negotiations upcoming or are just simply curious how your salary stacks up, our Salary Planner quickly gives you an overview of your true market value — and new targets for your next salary.

The simple way to earn more

Did you know that your salary isn’t just a matter of negotiation, but that it depends on numerous factors? From location city, position, skill set and education, your desired salary depends on many factors. Use the Salary Planner to see what happens with your salary when you vary these factors and simulate various scenarios to discover how you can actively improve your salary.
Simulate Salary Section
Did you know that your salary isn’t just a matter of negotiation, but that it depends on numerous factors? From location city, position, skill set and education, your desired salary depends on many factors. Use the Salary Planner to see what happens with your salary when you vary these factors and simulate various scenarios to discover how you can actively improve your salary.

How the Salary Planner works

The Totaljobs Salary Planner is based on over 50,000 datasets. This data helps us identify key job-related factors influencing salary levels and create an accurate result in combination with the values you provide. To learn more about our methodology, click .
How we work section
The Totaljobs Salary Planner is based on over 50,000 datasets. This data helps us identify key job-related factors influencing salary levels and create an accurate result in combination with the values you provide. To learn more about our methodology, click .

We value your privacy

We will always treat your data in the strictest confidence and your data is subject to a strict data protection policy. If you would like to learn more, please read our data privacy policy.
Data protection section
We will always treat your data in the strictest confidence and your data is subject to a strict data protection policy. If you would like to learn more, please read our data privacy policy.