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Ned Smith
10 min read

9 Strategies to attract and retain Gen Z talent

Learn how to unlock the potential of Gen Z workers and build a future-ready workforce of digital natives with strategies for recruiting entry level employees.

Young businesspeople working in a modern startup in a contempora

In today’s fast-paced job market, every industry in the UK is becoming more reliant on digital skills, resulting in a growing need to fill specific skills gaps. Therefore, employers are looking to complement a workforce made up of older generations with new talent streams. As a result, Generation Z (Gen Z), or those born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, are expected to account for 27% of the workforce by 2025.

By supporting this generation of talent in their early careers, employers have an opportunity to establish mutually beneficial relationships while also harnessing their values and work ethic.

In this article, we look at how to attract and retain the younger workers that can help your organisation thrive.

The benefits of hiring young talent

Before we look at how you can recruit younger workers, let’s examine some of the core benefits of investing in hiring Gen Z candidates. These include, but are not limited to:

  • New perspectives: Every generation of worker brings different values and ways of thinking to the workforce, and Gen Z are no exception. The newest additions to the world of work are renowned for valuing authenticity, transparency and inclusion, as well as being financially minded.
  • Adaptability: Research indicates that younger individuals are more adept at responding to unexpected changes. This agility proves invaluable in modern workplaces where technology, processes, and priorities continually evolve.
  • Technological proficiency: As technology reshapes work dynamics, young people who have grown up as digital natives are primed to harness emerging technologies and digital tools. This does not stop at mastery of social media; they will also be the ones shaping the use of generative AI at work.
  • Filling skills shortages: Our research shows that more than a third of HR leaders consider skill shortages a top recruitment challenge, while just 18% are actively hiring entry level talent. Integrating young talent offers a cost-effective solution for bridging skills gaps and cultivating a pool of internal candidates for future roles.

How to attract and retain young talent

Our early careers research highlights the difficulties employers face during the hiring process for young talent and beyond:

These statistics underscore the need for comprehensive recruitment strategies for entry level employees, coupled with efforts to ensure the continued utilisation of their skills and abilities.

With this in mind, let’s delve into the techniques that you can implement to hire entry-level employees and create an environment that allows them to contribute to your organisation’s goals and objectives in the long term.

1. Review entry level criteria

Job adverts with strict educational requirements often, even if unintentionally, put up serious barriers to younger workers looking to enter the workforce. Our research shows that:

  • 37% of businesses require entry-level staff to have a degree
  • 24% require candidates to have achieved at least a 2:1
  • 8% require a degree from a Russell Group university or Oxbridge

This exclusionary criterion not only has a knock-on effect on social mobility, but can also mean hiring managers miss out on Gen Z employees who may otherwise be well suited to their organisation’s goals, objectives and culture.

So, by undertaking a comprehensive review of the criteria for entry level roles, including consideration of whether a degree or a 2:1 is required to be successful, organisations can attract Gen Z talent and widen the pool of potential candidates available to them.

2. Build a strong employer brand

Cultivating a reputation as an appealing organisation with a robust employee value proposition is pivotal in talent acquisition, including the pursuit of young and entry level talent. Demonstrating what makes them unique and the values they stand for can make it easier for employers to connect with young talent.

To showcase their values, an organisation can:

Remember, capturing Gen Z’s aspirations for a better world and fostering a vibrant, dynamic workplace is central to attracting them to your organisation and keeping them motivated and satisfied in their roles.

3. Demonstrate commitment to diversity and inclusivity

Diversity and inclusivity are fundamental values for Gen Z professionals, who come from an inherently diverse generation. Given that 50% are unlikely to accept a job that aligns with their skills but not their values, emphasising these principles wherever possible is essential.

To foster an inclusive workspace, consider:

  • Proactively reaching new and diverse talent pools
  • Establishing platforms for open conversations that welcome diverse perspectives
  • Providing diversity training to raise awareness and sensitivity, promoting a culture of value and respect for all

Championing inclusivity creates an environment where all professionals, Gen Zers and previous generations alike, can thrive, aligning their values and skills while dismantling barriers that hinder growth and engagement.

4. Showcase your culture

As well as promoting diversity, your employer brand provides a platform to demonstrate that your organisational culture aligns with Gen Z’s preferences, creating a space where they can feel comfortable and productive.

Employers can look to highlight how their culture aligns with the priorities of young talent by:

  • Sharing authentic employee stories that highlight enriching experiences and growth opportunities
  • Crafting engaging videos offering insights into daily workplace life, showcasing camaraderie, challenges, and achievements within the working environment
  • Leveraging social media platforms to offer glimpses into a vibrant company culture, reflecting not only what your business does but the values it upholds

By integrating these practices, you can articulate your company’s ethos to Gen Z candidates. This instils a sense of belonging, working to ensure young workers become integral contributors to your workforce.

5. Be proactive in schools and colleges

Almost half of 16–18-year-olds lament the lack of useful career advice they received at school. This presents an opportunity for employers to demonstrate their commitment to shaping young careers through collaboration with local educational institutions.

Building relationships and forging these connections early on can make it easier to attract young talent and subsequently gain from their distinct skills and perspectives.

To achieve this, employers can:

  • Promote alternative pathways into the workforce, including apprenticeships
  • Participate in careers fairs for direct interactions and exposure to their offerings
  • Host workshops to provide insights into industry nuances, showcasing commitment to nurturing young talent
  • Engage in mentorship programmes that promote knowledge exchange and skill development, fostering guidance and growth

6. Offer development opportunities

58% of 16–18-year-olds feel there is a lack of information available to them on alternatives to university. Employers can tap into this by showcasing their dedication to offering avenues for growth and development outside the classroom.

Employers can demonstrate this commitment through:

  • One-on-one mentorships, fostering guidance and support
  • Access to diverse training programmes that broaden skill sets
  • Clearly defined career advancement paths that exhibit potential for professional growth

By implementing these components, employers can create an environment resonating with Gen Z’s yearning for personal and professional advancement. This investment not only draws them to your ranks but also helps to build loyalty and engagement.

7. Leverage digital tools and platforms

Gen Z are the first digital native generation, with 48% excited about the future possibilities and innovations technologies like AI will bring to the workplace. As a result, navigating the digital realm that Gen Z has grown up with can enhance recruitment for entry level positions. This can involve:

  • Utilising social media platforms for direct engagement and building relationships with a new generations of workers
  • Generating engaging online content resonating with Gen Z’s interests and values
  • Leveraging recruitment platforms like Totaljobs to broaden your reach and attract candidates seeking opportunities

Aligning your recruitment processes with Gen Z’s digital inclinations can make it easier to attract top young talent with the skills your organisation needs to navigate future advancements in technology.

8. Tailored Gen Z onboarding

Whether you’re hiring baby boomers or Gen Zers, they will need tailored onboarding that helps to settle them in. Recognising the value of personalised onboarding experiences that resonate with Gen Z’s preferences can simplify the process of appealing to young talent.

An onboarding process optimised for young talent might include:

  • Personalisation, tailoring the experience to individual preferences and learning styles for immediate engagement and belonging
  • Interactive techniques, employing methods like gamified orientations and immersive virtual tours to enhance engagement and information retention
  • Technology-driven approaches, integrating tools like mobile apps and online platforms to streamline communication and administrative tasks

An onboarding journey aligned with Gen Z’s penchant for tech and interaction can work to cultivate an early sense of investment. This not only expedites their integration into your workforce but also cements their enthusiasm for contributing to your organisation’s success.

9. Provide flexibility and work-life balance

Workers are prioritising work-life balance more than ever before, so accommodating this trend is pivotal for organisations looking to attract and retain Gen Z talent. Employers can tap into this by:

  • Offering flexible scheduling tailored to individual preferences, enhancing productivity, job satisfaction, and loyalty in the process
  • Providing opportunities to work remotely to promote autonomy and a conducive work environment, fostering trust with entry level employees
  • Developing wellness initiatives focusing on physical and mental health, reflecting your commitment to holistic employee well-being
  • Considering other benefits, for example, 41% of workers are willing to skip a pay rise to get their most desired benefit

By adopting these measures, employers can align their workplace with Gen Z’s expectations, fostering an environment where they can excel professionally while maintaining equilibrium in their personal lives.

The path to a successful career has dramatically shifted over recent years and although university is still a hugely valuable route and requirement for many professions, there are an increasingly broad range of options for people starting out

Julius Probst, European Labour Economist at Totaljobs

Building a future-ready workforce

The need to integrate Gen Z into the workforce goes beyond talent attraction and retention – it’s about fortifying your organisation against challenges that lie ahead with industry shifts and technological leaps.

Furthermore, Gen Z’s forward-looking mindset, diverse viewpoints, and digital fluency also empower you to seize future opportunities. By establishing an environment valuing their contributions, employers can start to build a dynamic workforce poised to thrive in an evolving landscape.